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8 Crazy Experiments at -55°C, -67°F (The coldest city in the World: Yakutsk)

If you want to give me budget support ► Frozen eggs and noodles, wet clothes, bowling with water balloons... I visited the coldest city on the planet; Yakutsk. Here are 8 amazing ice experiments and ice tricks from Yakutsk / Yakutia, at -55°C temperature. Extreme cold weather experiments we made were amazing. Wet clothes hardened very quickly, noodles carried a fork in the air and hot water instantly turned into ice crystals. We also played bowling with water balloons and made a sled out of a wet towel, we then skied on it. In Oymyakon the coldest temperature ever record is -71°C. (First Video) Visiting the COLDEST CITY in the World (-71°C, -96°F): Watch my other videos: KiIIed for Bringing Bad Luck: Secret Albino Village in Africa (Too White to Live) 94 Year Old Blind Man Wants To See for the First Time Attending a Ritual in Tanzania TIMESTAMPS: 0:25 – Frozen egg caries its shell mid-air experiment 0:31 – Noodles freezes and cary fork in the air experiment 0:38 – Meat sticks to metal experiment 3:04 – Water balloons turns into bowling balls experiment 3:32 – Wet t-shirt experiment 6:13 – Making a sled out of a towel experiment 6:36 – Boiling water freezes instantly experiment 7:51 – Making a hammer our of banana experiment Watch my entire Yakutsk videos: I would also suggest following ice experiment videos. Amazing Ice Experiments from Go Experimental : Crazy Ice Experiments & Tricks from Mr. Hacker : Yakutsk is in Yakutia which is in Siberia of Russia (Sakha Republic). The lowest air temperature ever recorded here is -96.16 degrees Fahrenheit (71.2 degrees Celsius). The coldest village is Oymyakon, and it is in Yakutia too. Yakutsk is even colder than Ontario, Minnesota or Alaska. Winter here is very cold and harsh. Extreme cold weather, blizzards and snowstorms are usual here in winter. Winter camping is not recommended to any Youtuber. Flights from United States to Yakutsk / Russia took about 30 hours and a one way ticket costs around 1000 American Dollars. But hotel accommodations are relatively cheap and affordable in Siberia. Subscribe for more:

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