Santral TV - Vlog Türkiye

Interview with Jean-Marc Pontroué – CEO of Officine Panerai [Turkish Sub]

Panerai was among the brands who left their mark on the SIHH 2019 exhibition. We got information about the brand’s novelties from its experienced CEO Jean-Marc Pontroué, who took over the portfolio from the legendary watch guru Angelo Bonati. ----- ----- SIHH 2019’a damgasını vuran markalardan biri de Panerai oldu. Ünlü markanın yeniliklerini, görevi duayen isim Angelo Bonati’den alan tecrübeli yönetici Jean-Marc Pontroué’den dinledik.

#Marina Militare #Guillaume Néry #submersible #CEO of Officine Panerai #Jean-Marc-Pontroué #SIHH 2019 #horobox #Laboratorio Di Idee #Submersible Collection #Eco-Titanium #special edition #Mike Horn Edition #panerai #serdar oal #horobox tv #luminor #Jean-Marc Pontroué