Do You Know The Doomsday Vault? 14,000 New Seeds Added!
What if one day a great catastrophe happens and the vegetation on earth disappears? The Svalbard Seed Bank, which aims to protect the world's agricultural products against a possible apocalyptic scenario reminiscent of science fiction movies, was opened by the Norwegian Government in February 2008.
The Doomsday Vault is located 1300 kilometers from the Arctic Circle in the town of Longyearbyen in Norway, the northernmost settlement in the world.
1.3 million seed samples from about 80 countries are stored here. Svalbard is the northernmost point that can be reached by scheduled flight. But it is still accessible. Although the entrance is visible, the actual repository is more than 100 meters deep into the mountain. This doomsday warehouse is quite high above sea level. So there's no risk of flooding. The permafrost provides a natural cooling system.
The Seed Depository has the capacity to store 4.5 million varieties of crops. This week, samples from Sudan, which is struggling with civil war, and countries such as Malawi, the Philippines and Brazil were added to the Doomsday Warehouse.
But do you think such a repository is really necessary? Could these seeds save humanity in a possible catastrophe?
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